Using this form

Please scroll down to complete your application form for our Devised Theatre and Performance MA and Advanced Devising Practice MFA courses, delivered in partnership with

These programmes are exclusively taught at in Berlin, Germany.

Once you have submitted your application, we will be in touch with you about whether you have successfully progressed to the next round of the process which will be an online interview. Please see the relevant course pages for more detailed information on what to expect at each stage of the application process.:

Devised Theatre and Performance MA

Advanced Devising Practice MFA

If you have any questions at all regarding the application process, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Please note: Rose Bruford College MA/MFA courses based at in Germany are not eligible for the UK Postgraduate Loan or US FAFSA funding.  Students can still receive UK private educational loans and US Sallie Mae loans to fund this course.