Postgraduate Courses Information Webinars Series

Rose Bruford College Burnt Oak Lane, Sidcup, United Kingdom

Throughout the year we offer information webinars about our postgraduate courses. Our webinars offer you the chance to find out about our...

Barn Season

Rose Bruford College Burnt Oak Lane, Sidcup, United Kingdom

Barn Season 2024 Presented by American Theatre Arts BA (Hons) in collaboration with Costume Production BA (Hons), Creative Lighting Control BA (Hons),...

London Season 2024

London Season 2024 Presented by Acting BA (Hons) and  Actor Musicianship BA (Hons) in collaboration with Audio Production BA (Hons),  Costume Production BA (Hons),...

Spring 2024 Productions (Wigan)

Mill at The Pier RBC Wigan

These shows will be performed by Rose Bruford Wigan students. Growth by Luke Norris Luke Norris’s play Growth is a dark comedy. The play's...

Spring 2024 Productions (South -West)

Omnibus Theatre Clapham

These shows will be performed by Rose Bruford South West (formerly ALRA) students.  A Monster Calls based on the novel by Patrick...

Festival of Independent Creative Practice

Rose Bruford College Burnt Oak Lane, Sidcup, United Kingdom

Presented by Theatre & Social Change BA (Hons) students. New Performances by Beth Clarke, Oz Dennett, Hellena Fischer, Ella McGran, Jane Morris...

San Diego

Presented by American Theatre Arts BA (Hons) in collaboration with Audio Production BA (Hons), Costume Production BA (Hons), Creative Lighting Control BA...

New Writing Season 2024

Rose Bruford College Burnt Oak Lane, Sidcup, United Kingdom

Presented by Acting BA (Hons)  and Actor Musicianship BA (Hons) in collaboration with Audio Production BA (Hons),  Costume Production BA (Hons), Creative...

The Tour

Performed by European Theatre Arts BA (Hons) students. The Green Man Collectives presents The Tour  It's hard to explain. Let us guide...

Summer 2024 Productions (Wigan)

These shows will be performed by Rose Bruford Wigan students. Remix playlist   Greek Tragedy by Elinor Cook A dark romantic comedy set...